What LSU spends on salaries

Tableau viz shows how much, total, was spent on salaries in each salary range.

Tableau viz shows how much, total, was spent on salaries in each salary range.

I love this one. It shows how much money, total, is spent to pay the salaries of LSU employees with salaries in a given range.

I’ll also include the link to the Tableau viz. It lets you play with switching between nine month and annual salaried employees. Nine month employees tend to be faculty, year round tend to be staff, but that’s only a very general rule of thumb.


As always, it’s the side stories I find fascinating with these projects.

Missing LSU Employee Addresses


I love when a data project yields side information. In this case, while searching the LSU directory for employee contact information, I found that lower-salary employees were *much* more likely to be missing from the LSU online directory. Numbers are fun.
